Technical Overview

MediaRich Server Technology & Deployment: Billions of media assets delivered

Equilibrium’s CTO explores how MediaRich can take total control and automate production of your video, media and images. 9:20

Content publishers, online retailers, manufacturers and global entertainment distributors rely on the power, speed and flexibility of Equilibrium’s patented MediaRich technology to generate and deliver billions of media assets to Web sites, intranets and wireless devices on-demand.

MediaRich Server:

  • Leverages existing infrastructure expenditures and employee expertise.
  • Incorporates industry standards to ensure integration is straight forward and easy.
  • Streamlines existing workflows instead of displacing them.
  • It complements and expands the capabilities of your other infrastructure components.

MediaRich’s URL-based methodology, .NET, Web Service and COM API enable seamless and easy integration with application servers, asset management systems, content management systems, content delivery networks, databases and stand-alone applications.

MediaRich Server is a fault tolerant, fail-safe system that generates and serves requested media.

Patented cache management, tracking and delivery methodologies enable different types of delivery, packaging and queuing of jobs.

MediaRich Locators (MRL) that can be called from anywhere, including Web pages, devices, databases, back-end applications which request MediaScript files from our Servers.

MediaScript is Equilibrium’s powerful procedural scripting language that provides unprecedented image and video processing possibilities for MediaRich. MediaScript, like JavaScript, is compliant with the ECMAScript standard and specification. It supports all the standard objects, conditionals, variables, and functions, as well as MediaRich’s unique image processing functions.

You can think of a MediaScript as an imaging template. What makes it a template is the fact that it accepts input for the image filename, width, height, and color. That means that can load any original image, regardless of file format, scale it to any size, colorize it to any color, then optimize it and deliver it to the Web.

API’s for any integration, including Javascript, COM, .NET, C#, SOAP

MediaRich provides APIs that enable integration within heterogeneous production environments.

These APIs include clients that communicate with MediaRich Server to generate and return cached or streamed data.

These entry points expose similar functionality while extending the flexibility of the MediaRich .NET Web Service. MediaRich Server can be integrated into any standalone or Web application through the MediaRich Web Service. Examples of languages that support a Web Service include VB.NET, C#, and managed C++. The MediaRich .NET Web Service includes a MediaGenWebService client that contains methods used to create and execute requests. This allows a request to be formed and forwarded to MediaRich Server via a Web Method providing the framework for building transaction-based services for various media types. In addition, it enables data interaction and the ability for data to be pulled from heterogeneous production environments.

.NET and Java APIs

The MediaRich .NET and Java APIs provides classes and methods for communicating with MediaRich from within a .NET or Java application. Clients can specify a MediaScript the server is to execute, pass arguments to the MediaScript, include file contents to be processed by the script, and read the response from the MediaGenerator. The MediaRich .NET and Java APIs also fully supports batch processing of images through the MediaGenerator. With the batch processing API, clients can specify any number of associated batch jobs, synchronize the jobs, and determine the status of the jobs.

Additionally, the MediaRich .NET and Java APIs provides a mechanism for managing connections to multiple MediaGenerators. This connection manager distributes the generation load across the specified MediaGenerators and provides for automatic failover if a MediaGenerator becomes available.


The host application can use the MediaRich COM interface to make a request for an image. The request consists of the name of the MediaScript and parameters. When the request is made MediaRich will either stream the image back to the application or create the image and return a filepath or a URL to the resulting image. MediaRich Server can be integrated into any standalone or Web application through this MediaRich COM client.

Examples of languages that support a COM binding include JavaScript, VB, VBScript, C, C#, and Perl. The MediaRich COM API includes a MediaGenClient that contains methods and properties used to create and execute requests.

Metadata support for EXIF, IPTC, XMP ingestion and embedding.

Cross-platform administration and management across products through the MediaRich Universal Administration Utility.

Audio/Video Support for dozens for formats, including QuickTime and Windows Media.

Support for Digimarc digital watermarking.

Deploying MediaRich

MediaRich is designed for a shared server deployment scenario, where a MediaRich server farm would access a common repository and share system properties, or a redundant deployment scenario, where the data set and system properties would be duplicated on each MediaRich server. It can be deployed on Premises or in the cloud (Azure and AWS ready).

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