
Copyright © 2004-2024 Automated Media Processing Solutions, Inc., d/b/a Equilibrium All Rights Reserved.

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Unless otherwise noted, the contents of this web site are the copyrighted property of Automated Media Processing Solutions, Inc. dba Equilibrium.  All rights reserved. U.S. Patent Numbers 6,792,575 – 6,964,009 – 8,381,110 – 8,495,242 – 8,656,046 – 9,158,745 for the automated processing and dynamic delivery of digital media assets. Other patents pending. Equilibrium, MediaRich and DeBabelizer are registered trademarks, and ScriptDrive, Joblet , MediaScript, MediaCart, SuperPalette and AMPS are trademarks of Automated Media Processing Solutions, Inc. All other company, product or service names mentioned herein are the properties of their respective owners.

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