Latest in a series of issued patents reinforces Equilibrium’s leadership position in automatic advertising and promotional content segment insertion for optimized content viewing in streamed and file based video delivery
LAS VEGAS, NAB, April 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — Equilibrium, a leader in automated media production and delivery solutions, today announced the company was awarded another U.S. Pat. No. 8,656,046 for its dynamic segment insertion and automatic optimization technology into assembled video files. The technology is employed by its MediaRich product line and includes Ad-Per-View® processing and delivery of video and audio files into automatically prepared video files for streaming. Equilibrium MediaRich’s Ad-Per-View dramatically reduces production costs by automatically detecting and inserting advertising and promo segments to monetize and increases revenue opportunities for video and audio asset management in multi-platform and multi-screen environments.
“This patent issuance solidifies our leadership position for automatically generating, optimizing and dynamic segment insertion for real time personalized delivery,” said Sean Barger, Founder Equilibrium. “Equilibrium’s original Ad-Per-View system handles campaign management providing powerful automatic branding and insertion capability that detects and dynamically presents viewers with optimized, automatically conformed advertisements and pre/post rolls within a premium content stream.”
Equilibrium simultaneously released the new EQ Network C#, Objective C, Java SDK’s and Web Services API to provide an InstantOTT™ back-end from capture, upload (including large file upload handling from anywhere), ingestion, thumbmailing, scene detected previews, auto-assemble, dynamically trafficked advertising, play out, social connectivity, crowd-sourcing and Twitter, Facebook connectivity for all devices, including iOS iPhones and iPads, Windows 8, Android, Mac OS and Windows and Web Apps. Additionally, the EQ Network SDK’s provides a complete end-to-end social network experience, user management, channel management, private and public auto-publishing, notifications system and managed links for easy share dailies and screeners.
About Equilibrium
Founded in 2004, Equilibrium is the leader in automated media production and delivery solutions for online media and entertainment, retail, publishing, manufacturing, healthcare, government industries. EQ Network is a massively scalable automated cloud-based video network that solves the complex problem of seamless, simultaneous video delivery on multiple mobile devices, web apps, and “over-the-top” connected TV. Equilibrium has thousands of customers including Warner Bros, Sony Pictures, Universal Music, World Vision, Nikon and SC Johnson.
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Marketing Contact: Oceanna Anderson: Oanderson (at)