Over the past few months, Equilibrium has attended several shows and conferences around the world including SharePoint Fest, Microsoft Ignite and European SharePoint Conference. It gave us the opportunity to meet many existing customers and introduce our solutions to many new ones. What we have learned from talking to so many of you is that the ability to view your assets anywhere is even more crucial now than ever. Also, many have indicated that you are tired of “syncing and distributed” content as a way to collaborate. As the volume of assets increases the need to be able to quickly discover the correct files and collaborate on them securely on any device becomes paramount. Not having to sync files constantly and have them live on devices out of centralized control was a real hot topic for companies. Being able to integrate the functionality with other solutions used within the enterprise was also a major focus, not having to use multiple platforms to link SharePoint or any other Enterprise system, was a draw.
The fact that our solution enables that was of interest to everyone and we look forward to delivering further enhancements to our MediaRich product line into 2017.
Here is a video of or VP of Product, Chris Duke, discussing the virtues of having SharePoint as the centralized hub for your content from his “Soapbox” session at ESPC 16 in Vienna. Click on the EQ Network Video below to watch: